Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Apple Peeling

Today I brought my apple peeler/corer/slicer to school to make dried apple rings.

Of course the apple rings were the outcome but the process is what draws the children - it's immediate satisfaction.

The machine, itself, impresses the grown-ups. It suctions to the table and all you have to do is push an apple onto the prongs and then turn and turn.

It makes quick work out of making apple rings, sauce, pies and more.

Once the peeling, coring and slicing was done and the rings were in the dryer we used the peels to do some measuring.
How long is it?
If we held it up touching the floor will it be taller than me? My mom? My dad?
How far up the body did it go?
It created good discussion between grown-up and child.

We'll be using the machine again next week when we make applesauce. Also a colleague told me how to make apple butter so we may try that too.