She asked, "How do you add drama to your classroom?”
Well I love storytelling and having the children participate but also to leave the props and story available for them to reenact over and over or tweak to their delight.
Here are a few examples.
Owl Babies by Martin Waddell - I’m reading the story and the children have volunteered to act it out.
I then leave the book and props for the families to use.
Caps For Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina – As I tell the story the children become the monkeys and each get a hat.
Here’s a little monkey imitating the man by stomping his feet.
We’ve also done The Three Little Pigs several ways.
With large paper props.
With big cardboard boxes.
And with little cardboard boxes.
Of course The Three Bears
The Great Big Enormous Potato
That was a lot of fun to do outside and while actually harvesting our potatoes.
And finally Pete the Cat – I Love My White Shoes by Eric Litwin
The children loved using the slippers to walk in a box then out of the box with new coloured slippers. Each box had a label - red for strawberries, blue for blueberries, brown for mud and then a light blue for the water.