Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Gingerbread Fun with our Buddies

      nov 21 027
While focusing on gingerbread we did a couple of activities with our big buddies
this past month.
One of the activities included making a book called
“One Yummy Gingerbread”.
     nov 21 019
Each book came with one gingerbread cut out.
nov 21 022 nov 21 018
As they read the book they would pretend to eat the gingerbread and
rip a part of the body off and glue it into the book.
nov 21 020 Until every part was done.

Then they read it together.
nov 21 023 nov 21 025
I was able to record a few of them reading together.

The following video shows a young child who rarely speaks to me or
others in StrongStart but with her big buddy she was very open.
It so impressed me that her big buddy helped her feel that comfortable.

We also decorated gingerbread people to really eat – yum!
dec 19 020 dec 19 025
An opportunity to talk about body parts,
      dec 19 027
work on math (sharing out and counting the candies),
dec 19 034 dec 19 035
and to chat and get to know each other better.

But the best part?
dec 19 024 dec 19 026
Was the eating, yummy!
dec 19 031 dec 19 028