Friday, September 26, 2014

Bead Tree

Another activity I set up to get to know each other during our first week
                              at school was beading.
      IMG_4799 IMG_4800
The families gathered around the table and strung beads on wire then hung
                                   them on the tree.
As they worked on their bead strings they met each other, chatted
                    and became comfortable with new friends.
While they beaded we chatted about the beads they chose; what shapes,
                         colours and what they liked about them.
While they beaded I learned about their fine motor and math skills.  How did they handle the beads?  Could they string without assistance?  What shape did they make their strand?  Did they know the letters on the beads they chose?
I learned if they were able to leave their bead creation on the tree or if they
                                 needed to take it home.
   IMG_0290 (2)IMG_0253
What we ended with is an art piece to display that we worked together to create.


  1. I'm planning on doing this at my centre too! Looks like your families really enjoyed it.
