It's the Little One's first real Halloween.
We've spent time reading books about pumpkins and costumes.
And walking around the neighbourhood looking at decorations.
At home I painted four peg dolls in Halloween costumes.
A jack o'lantern, a monster, a ghost and a witch.
I also painted a wooden house with chalk board paint.
Back at the Little One's house I set up a table in the kitchen.
They had a flat cardboard box that fit perfectly.
I taped it down and set up the scene with 5 little pumpkins, the peg dolls and house, as well as chalk.
She loved the chalk.
I showed her that it could be used to draw on the house and the cardboard.
After she drew on the house, I drew a path way.
The trick or treaters are practicing walking down the street.
Then she practiced "Booing!"
We've been playing a lot with the word/sign for scared.
She uses it when she retells being scared
but when she is scared she usually cries "momma, momma, momma".