Saturday, February 8, 2014

Building the Castle

We are very fortunate to live in a community with generous spirit.  A family that use to come to StrongStart, whose child is now in grade 2, owns the local Sears store.  They have been generous in saving me boxes for our projects this school year.  Well they topped their generosity by delivering the boxes needed for the castle right to our school’s front doors.
          jan 23 008N
And we were excitedly welcome them and watched the two delivery men carry the boxes into the school.
jan 23 009 jan 23 010
Some were even dressed to show their enthusiasm.
         jan 23 035
We didn’t have time to put the walls up that morning so after school I asked a father who was waiting for his older child to give me a hand.  He helped move the boxes, slit them open and patiently waited for me to decide which way they were to go.
jan 23 036 jan 24 009
The big chair was added for a throne, the slide is the tower and a table was set with silver goblets and jewels ready for the next morning.
        jan 24 028
The top of the walls were notched to make a crenelated wall.  An opening was added to move in and out.
                    jan 24 025
During the morning, as the families arrived, many ideas were being discussed for what was needed in the castle.  So we started a list.  This may be our guide in the direction we go in the next couple of weeks.
jan 24 023 jan 24 024 jan 30 015
One family decided that the castle needed a fire place.  The mom cut bricks in different lengths and showed the children how to pattern them in an arch.  The child went to the art area and found tissue paper for the fire.
            jan 24 011
And the play continued all around.


  1. I have made mini castles using jello and other food boxes with my preschoolers, but never something like this! Very Cool.

    1. Thanks Theresa We've been exploring more what we can do with boxes and like I said in the post am fortunate to have a source for the big boxes. I love dramatic play and all the fun and learning that happens in that area. Thanks for following along.

    2. You are truly inspiring...I can't wait to read your blog each day. I love your style, I love your brain!!! Thanks for sharing!!! Jo Wilson

  2. Absolutely love it. <3 Thank you for sharing. <3

  3. What a great idea! That looks like SO much fun! We have a house (cardboard) in our living room right now. Actually, it takes up most of the living room, but the memories and the teaching the importance of imagination and play are more valuable! Thanks for sharing the fun!

    1. The learning opportunities seem to be endless with this project. Today we made catapults for defense. And we haven't even talked about the difference in the food that was eaten then and now - I think that will lead us right into gardening.

  4. What a wonderful learning adventure. I want to come and play.

    1. Thanks Sandi. I don't see an end for this project. Each day the children are so involved and expand more on their ideas and wonders. It's been a great learning experience for me to slow down, watch and listen.
