Last Sunday was National Child Day.
Our local ECE group, in conjunction with our Early Years Collaborative,
put together a kit for schools and Early Year Centres in our Valley.
It included posters, games, activity suggestions for the day
and this book.
I love the book and the illustrations,
the parents loved the book,
but it was too long for a big group of mixed aged children.
But I think it would be wonderful to read it with one to three children.
Talking about what they see happening in the illustrations
and sharing their rights with them.
I photocopied some of the pages and added them to our display
in the main foyer of our school.
One activity suggestion was to have the staff submit photos
of themselves when they were a baby or toddler.
Not all the staff were able to find pictures, for various reasons,
but the ones that did are posted and waiting for students and their parents
to guess who is who?
I challenged my families to try to guess which one is me.