I like when an idea I have and an interest a child has comes together.
That's what happened on Monday.
I wanted to make a little easel to put in our sensory tub.
At the same this little guy arrived at school with his measuring tape.
He was ready to measure.
As he went to play I continued to look around my storage room
for something that would work.
I found a large piece of flex board in the perfect colour.
I asked the little guy if he wanted to help me.
We measured and marked the board then cut it together.
But when we put it in the tub it was too big
(I had measured it myself the first time)
But that was okay, it meant that we had to remeasure,
mark and cut again.
It felt so good doing this activity with someone who was so interested.
Stay tuned to tomorrow to see what we did with it.