I attended a workshop on the weekend that was called Growing Up Wild
and participants included Early Childhood Educators, teachers, principals
and a boy scout leader.
By participating in the workshop I learned several new ideas to play
with children outside and received this fabulous guide packed full of
One game the facilitator taught us was giving actions to trees. I can’t
remember what or if she had a name for the game but I call it “Tree Freeze”.
We warmed up by singing an echo song called “Tall Trees”. Then I
introduced a picture for each tree that we would give an action.
A douglas fir, straight and tall with arms straight overhead.
The hemlock, droopy at the top.
The maple tree, big and wide with lots of leaves.
A cedar tree, graceful low branches.
The spruce, with prickly needles, reach in then pull back into a fist
and say ‘ouch’.
We practiced a bit in the classroom. I would say, “Ready?” then call
out one of the trees.
Then we headed outside for a walk, acting out the trees as I called them.
It’s an easy game to learn and a great game to play on a walk.
You could make up your own actions for the trees that grow where
you live.
Give it a try.