This week I invited them to use plastercine to make their own planet.
We use play dough all the time but not plastercine. It’s more expensive so I use it occasionally. Plastercine has a different feel on your fingers than play dough. And you can use multiple colours and they don’t blend together.
The children really enjoyed rolling, poking and shaping their plastercine. They enjoyed making planets together.
By providing models of the planets the children added rings and other details.
At StrongStart the parents are there the whole time and they are available to encourage and expand on their child’s interest. For the children that wanted to talk more about each planet’s features, the parent was there to be that resource or show them where to find the answers, such as from our book shelves.
Part of today’s fun was creating names for our planets.
My favourite part was joining this little one at the table as he explored the plastercine. We shared words and sounds, expressing our pleasure in the activity to each other.