I saw this idea over at Inner Child Fun but I modified
it slightly.
First instead of using glue we used diluted white paint
and eye droppers.
Secondly I set up our pizza box easels on the tables and
we taped paper to them,
this way the children didn’t have to lift the paper to see
They loved it and were intrigued to watch the paint drip down
the paper.
The toddlers were intrigued with how to get the paint
into the eyedropper.
Watching them I noticed that they first just dip the
eyedropper into the paint and touch it to the paper,
it leaves a little mark.
Their grown up encourages them to squeeze the
dropper and they watch bubbles form in the paint.
They try over and over again, not getting frustrated
there is no wrong way to make a mark on the paper.
Some of the older children were content to see how many
icicles they could put on the paper.
Then watching it pool at the base, just like real icicles