Monday, December 9, 2013

Card Making with Bubble Wrap

This morning we painted bubble wrap to make Christmas cards. 
I pre-cut bubble wrap into triangles and provided paint and paper.
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The children were soon trying to paint on the bubbles. 
       A different feel then flat paper. 
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Some painted all one colour while others tried every colour.

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As she was painting she noticed that the blue changed when she added yellow.
She added red on top of blue and noticed it change to purple.

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                   Ready to make a print. 
Place the folded paper on top of the bubble wrap and
                  press down, all around.
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             Lift off and you have a colourful tree card.

     The children were encouraged to print inside the card.
The words, ‘to’, ‘from’, and ‘Merry Christmas’ were available
              for the children to copy if they wished.