I’ve been saving up clear plastic ornaments for a couple of years now to have enough to use one day at StrongStart. The best time to buy these, at an affordable price, is just after Christmas. Finally this year we could use them.
We used eye droppers to insert the paint into the ball.
It allowed the child to control how much went in at a time.
After putting the paint in we encouraged the children to roll the ball to make the paint move. The tricky part was getting the paint to a good consistency without being too runny.
After rolling the ball they could check to see where they wanted more paint and with a little help of holding the ball on the side they soon learned how to manipulate where the paint would land.
When satisfied their grown up capped the ball and it was ready to be hung.
I can imagine the variety of things we could use to fill these balls;
evergreens, crayons, pictures…
What would you fill it with?