Nicole’s experiment was so attractive that I
left the materials out for today.
There was a whole new group of children today
and I decided to perform it on the overhead projector.
As I sprayed the shaving cream in the bowl of water the children
watched it on the wall.
It looked like a cloud moving.
I started to add food colouring, one at a time. Nothing happened.
So I had to keep adding more.
And the children kept watching.
How full did the cloud need to be before it would start to rain?
I added more colouring.
The children were fascinated.
The colours were illuminated on the projector but not on the wall.
As the children watched the wall I moved the cloud to the side.
It was like the sun beginning to shine through.
I was starting to scoop out the cloud so we could
continue looking at the colour on the wall when
our visiting music teacher arrived. I had totally
forgotten she was coming so we quickly cleaned
up and that was that
– for today.