Love this friendship book.
A penguin finds a pinecone and befriends it.
But the pinecone is always cold and grandpa penguin
explains that pinecone needs to be in the forest, far far away,
if it wants to grow up big and strong.
So penguin takes it to the forest and sadly says good bye.
The illustrator used stones and pine needles to make hearts,
~representing love~
in several places in the book.
Since I bought the book so close to Valentines Day it
inspired me to set up a table in the room to build hearts
with natural materials.
I waffled between taping a heart shape on the mats to
adding heart shaped cookie cutters.
The cutters won.
The cutters didn’t stay long though.
Instead of building a heart the cookie cutter was filled up.
Then when it was removed it was a clump of rocks.
Not a heart.
Most times the parents initiated the heart which was wonderful.
Then they allowed the child to build from their beginnings.
Some were able to imagine the heart from the beginning and to create it.
After he finished his heart he left it on the mat.
His friend came along and added to it. We could call it a friendship heart.