Two families donated these great boxes which worked perfect for a barn.
Using a poster of a farm as a reference we began by planning where to cut the doors and windows.
The flat box needed to be cut in half to make it lighter for the roof. Once the doors and windows were cut we pulled open the doors and went inside to push the windows open.
The box is a great size for the children to easily walk or crawl in depending on their age and size. The animals were soon moved in and the play began.
A productive first day of building.
Day 2 was painting.
When we visited the Petting Farm we talked about what colour to paint our barn. Most children said red. I wonder if that was because most barns in the story books we read are red.
We only paint one coat so it doesn't take long for it to dry and the children are soon back inside. These little ones that are just over a year old loved crawling in and playing peek-a-boo with their mom, who was on the outside.
Our finished barn, or is it?