Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First day back at school

First day back to school and it didn't take long for the children to find and explore the dramatic play area.

I had left two bags of soil in a large wooden tray on the floor.
We cut them open and the children used rakes to spread it all out.

Then we opened the bin of artificial fruits and vegetables that I've been finding all summer.

Let the planting begin!

What will we do next?


  1. I can't imagine a pile of dirt in my room! You're a creative (and brave) one!

    1. I do this every year in my class and the kids love it. It’s such a fun hands on activity.

  2. That's what some of the parents said too. I put out a few brooms knowing kids love to sweep so it works out well.

  3. I love your garden box Maureen! We have something similar at our kinder which we call the "Bush Box" ... we've used it it lots of different ways but not as a garden ... great idea!
    Here's one example of how we've used it. http://www.playbasedlearning.com.au/2010/05/make-it-irresistible-real-or-artificially/
    Donna :) :)
