Boys & Girls Club gingerbread fundraiser.
We create, make and donate it to their silent auction.
This is a joint project with our big buddies and it starts first
by brainstorming ideas.
Ideas of a race track, Santa’s work bench and unicorns were a few.
But one idea drew our attention as it was being drawn, “A Fairy Village”.
The next step was baking.
The big buddies started with creating the main part – the fairy stump.
They rolled out gingerbread and wrapped it around a tin can.
Then covered the top with more gingerbread, drawing rings on it
to make it look a little more real.
Then they hand moulded tree roots and the four fairy doors that adorn the trunk.
Whew it stayed together while baking, yay!
Next, together the big and little buddies made fairies, animals, mushrooms, etc
that will be used to decorate the scene.
Next we had to prep any other materials like;
Dyeing coconut green for the grass, sorting leftover Halloween candy,
adding marshmallow wings to the fairies and adding coloured glaze to
the little cookies.
Time to put it all together.
The finished project!
Some of the proud creators
(sadly I’ve been sick for the past several days and we didn’t get a picture altogether).
What an amazing project. Get well soon.
rubberboots and elf shoes
Thanks Sandi, I'm on the mend.