We started with coloured rings, little fairies and trees.
The children playing with the overhead slowly made the connection with what they put on the glass with what was shining on the big sheet. But they hadn’t yet discovered that others could see it on the other side.
We added shapes and snow flakes and watched as they pieced them together
to make pictures.
We added doilies, stencils and see-through fabric. The children were beginning to move back and forth between the light source and the screen.
Working together (a little begrudgingly) filling a stencil with jewels and coloured gems to make designs, drew more attention from the people in the rest of the room.
We will continue looking around the room and trying different materials on the overhead. What pieces combined will make interesting designs? Which will let the light shine through? Which will be solid and just a black shape?
Magical and scientific at the same time- you've inspired me to get my projector out!