Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Discovering An Airport

Yesterday and today we visited the local airport to learn
what happens there.
We met our tour guides Alex and Lesley.
We put on our official visitors badge and we're on our way.
 After watching the WestJet plane land
we went downstairs to the check in counter.
 We met Denise, she weighed and tagged our suitcases.
Then sent them into the back to be x-rayed.
Sorry we couldn't take any pictures but we saw the big machine
that each suitcase goes through and the pictures of what was inside.
It takes a lot of skill to read xrays.
 Off our cases went on a conveyor belt to the luggage handlers.
Their carts were stacked with the suitcases ready
for the next flight.
 But Steve had a minutes to show us some of the directions he gives
the pilot when they are parking the plane.
X means STOP!
 We were so lucky to be able to walk around the plane to see where 
they load the luggage.
We even heard some dogs, they were in crates being loaded too.
We stopped on parking spot #1 to wave at the pilot.


Back inside we learned that for some doors Alex needs to use 
his fingerprint to unlock them.
The children added their fingerprint to their badge.

 To end our tour I gave the children a little book.  It's made by folding a lunch bag.
I found the idea at Inner Child Fun.
I changed the inside to match our needs.
I wanted an opportunity for the children to reflect on our tour
and to see what stood out for them.
Now we have some ideas of what to include in our airport 
back at school.

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