Time to harvest our potatoes.
It was a beautiful sunny day so decided to have story time outside.
I told the story about
the Enormous Potato (based on the old folktale of the Great Big Enormous Turnip). Then we acted out the story with our potato plants.
This is how it went...
There once was a class that planted some potatoes in a tub. They waited and watched as the potatoes grew big and bigger till they were ready to pull up.

The teacher took hold of the potato and
she pulled and pulled and pulled some
more but the potato wouldn't come up.

So she called for a little girl to come and help.
The little girl held on to the teacher and the
teacher held on to the potato and they pulled
and pulled and pulled some more but the
potato wouldn't come up.

So the little girl called for her grandma to come
and help. The grandma held on to the little girl,
the little girl held on to the teacher and the
teacher held on to the potato and they
pulled and pulled and pulled some more but
the potato wouldn't come up.

So the grandma called for a little boy to come
and help. The little boy held on to the grandma,
the grandma held on to the little girl, the little
girl held on to the teacher and the teacher held
on to the potato and they pulled and pulled
and pulled some more but the potato wouldn't
come up.

So the little boy called for his Baba to come and help. Baba held on to the little boy, the little boy held on to the grandma, the grandma held on to the little girl, the little girl held on to the teacher, the teacher held on to the potato and they pulled and they pulled and they pulled some more but the potato wouldn't come up.

So Baba called another little boy to come and help. That little boy held on to Baba, Baba held on to her little boy, her little boy held on to the grandma, the grandma held on to the little girl, the little girl held on to the teacher, the teacher held on to the potato and they pulled and pulled and pulled some more but the potato wouldn't come up.

So the little boy called for his mom to come and help. The mom held on to the little boy, the little boy held on to Baba, Baba held on to her little boy, her little boy held on to grandma, grandma held on to the little girl, the little girl held on to the teacher, the teacher held on to the potato and they pulled and pulled and pulled some more but the potato wouldn't come up.

So the mom called for a another little girl to help. That little girl held on to the mom, the mom held on to her little boy, the little boy held on to Baba, Baba held on to her little boy, the little boy held on to grandma, grandma held on to the little girl, the little girl held on to the teacher, the teacher held on to the potato and they pulled and pulled and pulled some more but the potato
wouldn't come up.

So the little girl called for her sister and mother to come and help. Her mother held her sister and the sister held the other little girl, that little girl held the mom, the mom held the little boy, the little boy held Baba, Baba held her little boy, the little boy held the grandma, the grandma held her little girl, the little girl held the
teacher, the teacher held the potato and they pulled and pulled and
pulled some more and ...

... the potato came up!