Trains for Opa and trains for the little ones.
Here is what Opa made.

Since we travel every week over to the mainland to care for the little ones, Opa decided to make a portable train layout to take with him.

This is his new N scale layout.
It fits the size of a kitchen table.

The lid of his model holds a wooden train set for the little ones.

Since we travel every week over to the mainland to care for the little ones, Opa decided to make a portable train layout to take with him.

This is his new N scale layout.
It fits the size of a kitchen table.

The lid of his model holds a wooden train set for the little ones.
It's perfect to lay on the floor.
There's lots of room for one child to play within the model.
Or for more than one.
The track is attached to the lid but the rest we add each time it is open.
Sometimes the little ones join Opa and watch his trains go around.
Sometimes Opa joins them on the floor to play with their wooden trains.