The weather is dreary and no lovely white snow to brighten the day so this morning we made sparkly dangles to hang in Fairy Lane.
We closed early and drove to the Lerwick Woods which is home to our Fairy Lane.
I handed out our nature bags that held clip board and crayons and each
child had a dangle to hang somewhere in the woods.
There were shouts of glee as they spotted a door and they were off and running.
Other fairy supporters have been leaving doors, houses, treasures and more
so we made sure to search behind every tree and log.
We found a group of fairies having a party.
It looked like they had been celebrating the new year.
The children chose their spot to hang the dangle and were off to find more doors.
Some time was spent drawing and creating stories.
A bonus to our visit today was to check the pumpkins that we left
after Halloween last October.
This painted jack o’lantern was knocked to the ground and is very
rotten. It looks very flat now.
Some of the whole pumpkins have nibble marks and others were
smashed with their seeds spilled about.
I wonder if new pumpkins will grow in Fairy Lane this coming summer?