Since this is our first grand child it is a year full of firsts,
especially around the holidays.
It's the time that as a family you introduce your traditions, customs and beliefs to the newest members of the family.
My daughter talked about having an egg hunt and if I thought the little one would be old enough to be interested.
One way to find out was to do a bit of play around eggs before the hunt happens.
We set up a sensory table with shredded blue paper and plastic eggs.
It included eggs that looked like chicks, rubber ducks and a couple of chicks that were dressed as rabbits (but when you held them they made a 'cheep' sound).
Her dad grabbed an egg carton which was great for some incidental one-to-one corresponding.
She liked filling the carton, taking the eggs in and out.
Then she learned that she could crack the eggs open.
Some of them had little fluffy chicks inside.
She opened and closed so many eggs that she perfected her ASL sign for egg.
She loved this book and finding all the eggs hidden under the flaps.
As Easter drew closer we brought out some bunny ears and had fun hopping around.

Easter morning and they hid about a dozen plastic eggs in their backyard.
She loved finding them so much that they kept re-hiding them.
When Opa and I arrived a couple of days after Easter she was excited to have a pretend egg hunt in the house.
Her signing vocabulary is growing really fast. In this video she amazed us by signing 'where' for the first time.