This morning we discovered a new walk along another creek.
Our Nature Bags contained a 'paper bag' nature scrapbook and a baggie
of crayons. As we walked the children could collect leaves, flowers or
anything of interest and slip them in the pockets of their scrapbook. Then
they could use the crayons to draw or record what they found.
After walking over the board walk and to the bridge and back we found
a spot where we could access the creek. Once there they had fun throwing
rocks into the creek.
As the families had a snack, I shared two books about rocks. These books
are great for inspiring us to look at rocks to see different images and to use
rocks to make pictures.
Using the rocks by the creek to create, I saw images of letters
of the alphabet,
a maze that leads to a leprechaun,
different faces,
and a flower.
Once last activity I brought was pictures of groups of rocks for the
children to match and count.
I printed these counting cards, numbered 1 –10, and laminated
them so we could use them on the beach or creekside over and
over again.