It was a beautiful morning and we spent the entire time at the pond.
Here are the activities we did.
Sit, Look and Draw
We took some time to sit by the pond and look around. Then drew something that we saw.
Pond Skimmers
Pond skimmers made from old embroidery hoops and panty hose. We think that is pollen from the trees.
Building Boats
This is a favourite activity, first to use the hammers and second to set sail.
Sit and Listen
Take some time just to sit and listen. What can you hear? They heard lots of birds.
They also heard the Snowbirds as they trained overhead.
Earth Art
By using natural and man-made materials the families created works of art on the ground.
Chalk Stenciling
This was the top favourite activity of the morning. I created stencils using a die cut machine, laminated them and then cut out the center. The children picked one, placed in on the ground then sprayed water on them. Next they used a grater and sidewalk chalk to leave the shape behind.
Sun Prints
Thanks to Colleen, a fellow facilitator, for this idea. The children placed various objects on dark paper when they arrived in the morning then before leaving they removed them to see if anything happened to the paper.
Play dough
The children used materials they found around the mat to create.
With pretend fire and s’mores.
Chairs with Dolls and Fairies
A quiet spot to make believe with a friend.
It was a fantastic day to be outside. Hope you enjoyed Earth Day too.