A month ago I introduced a sensory table to my grand daughter.
We used ground oats in it and had fun letting it fall from our fingers to the floor.
You can check out the post here.

This time we used a smaller amount of the oats plus water.
I had placed the cup of water in the table for her to pour
but her first attempt ended up on the floor.
So I poured some it for her.
Her hand reached in and she tried to pick it up
and it went right into her mouth.
I discouraged that by giving her the cup of water to pour.
I thought she would squish it through her fingers or swirl it around in the tub
but her first instinct was to eat it.
Oh how I forget what toddlers like to do best - everything in their mouth.
This is a reason why I couldn't try this at StrongStart with so many
hands and mouths.
Even using the spoon she continued to eat it.
I was conflicted if I should let her.
It's not cooked, would it upset her stomach?
Would she eat enough for that to happen?
It's a sensory experience should I just let her explore?
I waffled back and forth and encouraged her to use the spoon
to fill the can.
What would you have done?