We needed to get ours planted before our Spring Break happens next week.
Our StrongStart program has participated in this BC Agriculture program for several years. They provide the soil, seed, tubs, posters and curriculum. It’s great.
The tubs were ready with a bag of soil in each. Our seed potatoes had sprouts on them and we had to pick off the longest ones before planting.
We mixed the fertilizer into the soil then dug holes.
The children picked their potato and checked that they were ready to plant.
They dropped them into the hole and covered them up.
We also talked about what the seeds need to grow.
And finished off with giving the pots a good soak.
At the same time we planted bean seeds.
We will watch and see which one will grow the fastest.
The beans are planted in these little beakers and will sit on the window sill above the spud tubs.