I bought this book in the spring and wanted to make a garden activity to go with it.
Spring came and went and I still didn’t get anything created.
Well this fall I pulled out all the materials that I had gathered and finally put it together. I wrapped florist foam in brown felt leaving a gap down the middle.
I had found these plastic carrots at Dollarama in the candy aisle. I tried dumping the candy sugar out and just using the empty cases but they became too easy to squeeze and break. So instead I left them filled and hot glued the tops on.
And in just a short time I had a carrot garden ready.
The children can harvest and replant the carrots over and over again. But I wanted something more so I searched on line for a fingerplay about 5 little carrots.
I didn’t find anything that I really liked but a colleague thought up this simple one.
All I had to do was add a bunny.
The children took it from there and helped the bunny find his lunch.