What can I make with an empty box and plastic lids?
A new toy for my 13 month old grand daughter.

The toy is made from an empty Kleenex box and the lids from these puree packs.

The toy is made from an empty Kleenex box and the lids from these puree packs.
At first she stood and shook the box.
Then she heard something inside so she sat down and looked inside.
It's natural, when you see something inside, to reach in and try to grab it.
But she had wrapped her hand in a fist around one of the caps
and it would no longer fit through the opening.
She tried to shake it off but that didn't work.
She took her hand out and I stretched the plastic a bit.
That let her grab the caps and pull them out with little difficulty.
She kept at it until she couldn't hear or see anymore inside.
Together we put them back in.
And she started pulling them out again.