This month's treasure basket was all about 'red'.
I sat and photographed as she discovered everything that was
in the basket.

A red kerchief is perfect for playing 'peek-a-boo".
A red truck because she has been learning that her Dad drives a truck.
A red heart shape.

A red ball with a smiley face.
Which looks great as a nose,
or was she smelling it?
It does fit in the heart shape.
Back to the basket she discovered a red hammer.
Tap, tap, tap!
A red dog (also known as Clifford).
She loves dogs and took sometime looking this one over.
A red pegkin with it's own bowl.
It took her a few tries to figure out how to fit the pegkin back into it's bowl.
She persevered and this toy has become her favourite of the basket.
She persevered and this toy has become her favourite of the basket.
Mom joined us just in time to help with a red zippered toy.
It is a bug zipped inside a heart.
My grand daughter noticed the antenna sticking out and tried to pull them out.
When that didn't work she tried to pull the zippered halves apart.
Mom helped unzip it before she became very frustrated.
All of these 'red' items I found in my home,
no extra purchases were necessary.