We've received mail about our Runaway Gingerbread Men.

My sister visiting Georgia, USA, sent us pictures and a story about seeing gingerbread men. We really enjoyed hearing about the crocodile asking a gingerbread man if he wanted a ride across the pond. Luckily our gingerbread man was clever enough not to be tricked.

We heard from a Kindergarten class in Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada.
They saw gingerbread men parachuting from a jet above the airforce base.
Then at the playground they're sure they saw gingerbread men making snowangels in the snow.

Closer to home, they've been spotted by the Qualicum train station and at the gymnastics class at the Comox rec centre.
Have you spotted our gingerbread in your town?
I can't wait to hear more news next week.

We heard from a Kindergarten class in Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada.
They saw gingerbread men parachuting from a jet above the airforce base.
Then at the playground they're sure they saw gingerbread men making snowangels in the snow.

Closer to home, they've been spotted by the Qualicum train station and at the gymnastics class at the Comox rec centre.
Have you spotted our gingerbread in your town?
I can't wait to hear more news next week.