The week before Spring Break I was feeling a little burned out. I knew I needed a break to rejuevenate. So last week for the whole week I tried not to think about work and definitely not go into school. I avoided planning or updating my blog. Although I did keep searching the many wonderful blogs out there.
But yesterday morning arrived and I worried about the few new activities that I had put out on the Friday before Spring Break. Would they be inviting? Would the children be bored? I needn't worry for the children were very happy to be back at school regardless of what was out.
Here are a few play areas that developed this morning.
A play invitation with toys off the shelf. |
Tea party with a jar full of cookies that have been tucked away for a few months. |
A new toy that I found in my crawl space that was my daughter's toy years ago. |
The art idea of using oil pastels and baby oil didn't quite interest the children but add paper hole punches and it became a busy area. |
The rocking boat is very popular although some little ones are a bit cautious of it at first. |
Using the furniture in a new way. This little boy crawled under the table and pushed out the tub then stood in the hole. That way he could have everything he wanted all around him. |
So what I've learned from today is that old toys can be like new and that I need to relax more and stop thinking that children need new ideas to have fun at play.