I found these images while searching Google. Perfect for the song. We have sung it several times now so will need to make more dresses to include other colours.
I like this song because of the rhyming component. As I introduced a colour we brainstormed, as a group, words that rhyme or sound the same as it. Here’s an example; blue – shoe, do, new, few, glue, and the list went on.
I would pick the rhyming word from our list then we would start the song.
Jenny Jenkins
Oh will you wear blue, oh my dear, oh my dear?
Oh will you wear blue, Jenny Jenkins?
No I won’t wear blue, it just won’t do!
Buy me a roly-poly, fildy-foldy, seek a double, use a cozza, roll to find me.
Roll Jenny Jenkins roll.
We repeated this with each colour.
To listen to the song you could check out Jerry Garcia and David Grisman's version on Youtube