I was busy on the weekend needle felting.
I needle felted a playscape for my grand daughter
Needle felting on a flat service is fairly easy to do.
You start with a piece of felt, wool roving and a needle.
The piece of felt is long because I wanted it all in one piece.
Needle felting is very much like painting,
you add layers to blend the colours and get texture.
Here is the sky with clouds and a tree off to one side.
The bottom half is covered with green for grass,
a couple of pre-made toadstools
and lots of flowers.
I've leaned it against a felt board to hold the sky up,
and the grassy part lays on the table.
Pieces of wood were added, along with toy animals.
Later in the day we wanted to use her sensory table so I grabbed
a box, turned it inside out and made a table
with storage underneath.

This sits in their living room so she can still see mom and dad
if they are in the kitchen.
She has spent a good portion of today playing with it.