Lately there have been more families visiting with younger children and I noticed that story time has been a little noisier.
Time to get more active.
Out came the parachute.

We have been singing Shoo Fly and it works well with the parachute.

We walk in a circle as we sing
“Shoo Fly don’t bother me, Shoo Fly don’t bother me,
cause I belong to somebody”.

When we sing…
“I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star”
– the parachute is lifted and the children run under.
Then they run out as we finish singing
– “I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star”.
They love it!
A second song we sing is “I Have a Rocket” we learned it from our music teacher, Jill.
First we put little balls that we call rockets onto the parachute then sing the song.
“I have a rocket, I’m going to fly it to the moon.
I have a rocket, I’m going to fly it really soon.
I’m going to make it fly on the count of
5,4,3,2,1 BLAST OFF!”

The rockets go flying and the room is filled with delighted screams. The children run to collect a rocket, throw it back on and we do it all again.
I wish I had thought of doing this earlier in the year.