Friday, June 3, 2011

Greenhouse Glove

We used inexpensive plastic disposable gloves from the dollar store to make a green house to start our seeds.
Wet cotton balls, squeeze out the extra water than drop one wet ball into each finger of the glove.
Then drop a seed in each finger space with the wet cotton ball.  We used bean seeds.
After you have all the seeds in place, close the top of the glove and tape it on to a window for the sun and it's warmth to help it grow.


  1. This is really cute. What do you do once they're sprouted?

    1. Hi Deanna
      Once they sprout, we snip the fingers off the glove and carefully take the bean out and plant it in soil. Have fun.

  2. I can't wait til spring to do this with my four grandkids ages 1-1/2, 4, 5, and 7.

  3. How long does it take for the seeds to sprout?

    1. Hi Liza, Depending on the seeds you use but it should be less than a week.
