Saturday, November 24, 2012

Fire Fighter’s Dramatic Play

nov 2 034
For the past month we have been focused on fire fighters and vehicles.

We created a fire truck out of two cardboard boxes.
nov 2 023 nov 5 092
nov 5 114 nov 8 047
We spent the first couple of weeks just exploring the truck. 
How to get in and out, the front and the back, the equipment and steering wheel.

nov 7 001 nov 8 044
After we had visited our local fire station we learned that fire trucks can be
different colours other than red. 
Our local fire trucks are black so when we wanted to paint our truck we
took a survey. 
What colour should we paint our truck; red, black or yellow?
      nov 13 001
It was a tie between red and yellow.
nov 13 018 nov 13 027
We started painting.  It didn`t matter where the red and yellow went.

nov 13 030 nov 13 042
The children were so excited to continue playing
that they didn`t wait for the painting to be finished.
nov 13 043 nov 13 044
       nov 16 052
I found a flashing light, after Halloween, that when covered with red cellophane
worked well for our emergency lights on top of the truck. 
A parent did offer to bring a siren in for us to use but I declined.

nov 5 107 nov 5 122
nov 5 108 nov 7 029
Another prop that was added was an orange cheerleaders pompom
without the handle. 
It`s bright orange like fire and occasionally it would show up in
different areas of the room that would be on fire. 
Our fire fighters quickly put each fire out using their hoses made from
dryer vent tubing.

nov 13 056 nov 13 058
The children have learned, not only about fire fighters,
but about taking turns,
working out differences,
and working together.

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