Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ghost Toast for Snack

Something I’ve heard from other StrongStart facilitators is that they don’t
have access to a kitchen or that the kitchen is way at the other end of the school.
This makes it difficult to cook with the families.

That was my problem in my old school too so we used a electric frying pan
and a toaster a lot.

This week for a special snack we made toast shaped like ghosts.
oct 29 001 1. Put bread in the toaster.
oct 29 002 2. Butter the toast.
oct 29 003  3. Place the ghost shaped cookie cutter on toast.
oct 29 004 4. Cut out shape.
oct 29 027
Very easy steps to follow and steps that a child can do on their own.
oct 29 052  oct 29 053
When asked what would the ghost say to being eaten?
“Oooooh no don’t eat me!”

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