Today’s Dr Seuss book is new for me.
It was a Christmas present this year and this
week is a perfect opportunity to use it.

Most of Dr. Seuss’ books are long and it’s
easy to lose the interest of the little ones.
So I tried to think of a way to make the book
more interactive.

Meet my story props – 30 blue egg carton turtles.

It was great to have help to tell the story
(thank you Nicole, our ECE student). As I started
to read the story Nicole gave each child a turtle.
Then when King Yertle called for nine turtles
the children came up to help stack the turtles.

As the story continued and the king demanded more
turtles the rest of children added theirs to the stack.

Tomorrow the children can continue reading and
playing with Yertle and Mack and build a stack.

Meanwhile over at the art table the children painted
their own egg carton turtle.

Discussion arose about how younger children (3 and under)
tend to paint in one spot. Do they only paint what they see
Or is it because their coordination of using two hands
hasn`t fully developed

This very young one drew a lot of attention this morning
with her knowledge of painting. She knew how to handle
the brush and to apply the paint to the carton. The mother
was a great model for others showing that even the littlest
participants in our program can enjoy the art table.

Meet Myrtle the Turtle and Sara the Turtle.